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Our Products

We meet our partner's needs through a full-suite of backend component (DLL) and desktop software solutions. Explore our products and experience the Micro-Dyn difference

DLL Products

APCActive Editor and PRICER (OPPS)

Medicare APC assignment and reimbursement calculation


APR-DRG Grouping

ASC PRICERActive Editor and Reimbursement

Medicare Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) reimbursement calculation

DRGActive (IPPS Grouper)

Medicare DRG grouping capability


Medicare ESRD PPS editing and reimbursement calculation

HH PRICERActive Reimbursement

Medicare Home Health (HH) PPS reimbursement calculation

IRF PRICERActive Reimbursement

CMS (Medicare) Inpatient Rehab Facility (IRF) PPS reimbursement calculation

MECActive (IPPS Editor)

Medicare inpatient code editing capability

PRICERActive (IPPS Pricer)

Medicare inpatient reimbursement calculation

Psych PRICERActive Reimbursement

Medicare Inpatient Psych PPS reimbursement calculation

SNF PRICERActive Reimbursement

Medicare SNF PPS reimbursement calculation

Encoder PACE

IPPS, OPPS, ASC grouping, editing and reimbursement for PACE plans


Medicare DRG calculation, APC assignment and reimbursement functions

Desktop Products

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